International travel is a beautiful and enriching opportunity to explore new cultures, connect with nature and become more well-rounded human beings. However, the environmental impact of travel can’t be ignored, and responsible global citizens who care about the planet are looking for ways to minimise their carbon footprints and find more sustainable ways to explore the world. In this blog post we’ll discuss some top tips to help you travel more mindfully, without dampening your wanderlust.

Fly greener

Some airlines offer carbon offset programmes to environmentally conscious passengers, so do your research and see what initiatives each airline supports — look for things like renewable energy programmes, reforestation projects and other initiatives focused on reducing greenhouse gases. And if you can, try flying direct rather than changing at multiple stops.

Choose eco-friendly accommodation

If your budget allows, it’s a good idea to opt for accommodations that prioritise sustainability. Look for eco-friendly hotels, apartments and lodges using green solutions like solar power, water conservation and waste reduction, and choose restaurants and cafes that favour locally sourced produce. By booking eco-friendly accommodation you’ll be reducing your carbon footprint and supporting businesses committed to making the world a better place.

Travel light

Over-packing contributes to increased fuel consumption in planes, trains and cars. So, before over-stuffing your suitcases, think about whether you really need to take that third pair of chunky shoes or heavy bag of toiletries. Pack only what you need, take versatile items of clothing you can mix and match and decant your lotions and potions into smaller, refillable containers.

Use public transport

You might not want to take the bus to work every day, but using public transport abroad is a great way to experience the local culture and travel greener. Trains, buses, trams and subways tend to produce far fewer emissions than personal vehicles, whilst also giving you the opportunity to immerse yourself in some breathtaking scenery.

Walk or cycle

Not only are walking and cycling the most environmentally friendly ways to travel, they also encourage you to experience your new surroundings at a slower, more intimate pace. Hiking trails and scenic cycle routes are a great way to connect with nature and reduce your impact on the environment, as well as offering huge cost savings.

Shop local

Support local businesses and artisans by shopping for souvenirs at local craft stores and dining at locally-owned, independent restaurants. Changing the way you shop as a traveller will benefit the local economy whilst also helping reduce the carbon footprints associated with large, international chains.

Use less plastic

Plastic pollution is a huge issue all over the world, so make a difference on your next trip by reducing your plastic consumption. Pack reusable water bottles and utensils, say no to plastic straws and carry bags made from recycled or natural materials wherever possible.

Conserve water and energy

In many parts of the world, access to clean water and energy is still limited. Be mindful of your own contribution by taking shorter showers, turning off appliances when not in use and conserving resources as much as you can. Just a few small changes can have a huge impact, both on your individual carbon footprint and the local communities you visit.

Use eco-friendly credit cards

Some credit card companies offer incentives and run programmes that go towards carbon-offsetting projects with each purchase. However, it’s always worth bearing in mind that mass consumption is one of the biggest drivers of climate change, and the greenest credit card is one that isn’t used at all!

Respect local nature

International travel presents you with boundless opportunities to experience flora and fauna you wouldn’t get to see back at home, but it’s important to prioritise respectful tourism. Don’t disturb animals or their homes, support local conservation projects and choose wildlife tours that are ethical, not exploitative. 

Leave no trace

All outdoor activities should be undertaken with “Leave No Trace” principles in mind. Whether you’re camping, picnicking or hiking, stick to established trails to avoid disturbing the natural habitat, and always take your trash away with you.

Travel with an eSIM

Those in the know are moving away from traditional SIM cards in favour of eSIMs, and the vast majority of new mobile phones are compatible with eSIM technology. This new digital kind of SIM, which is directly embedded into a mobile device via an app or code, is transforming the technology landscape and making a positive impact on climate change.

By travelling with an eSIM, you’ll be saving yourself time, stress and hassle — and creating significantly less waste. The physical production process of plastic SIM cards, associated packaging and transport logistics have had a catastrophic impact on the environment, not to mention the billions that end up in landfill. With Breeze eSIM you can say goodbye to all of that, and get great savings on global travel data while you explore.


Travelling sustainably isn’t just a trend, it’s a responsibility we must all share for the sake of our planet and future generations. Making more conscious choices can help us be more responsible when travelling the world, and a few small changes can make a big difference. Follow our blog page for more top travel tips and to discover more about eSIM.

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